The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the lives of many couples around the world. In a recent survey by Family values NGO in Atlanta, it has been found that the need for psychiatrist or couple therapy in Atlanta has increased by 27 percent this year which is significantly more than the previous years. During the lockdown, the free mental health centers have received 20 times more calls from couples who needed mental therapies. Couples are breaking their relationships as they are thinking of the best solution for their problems. If you are a couple and thinking the same then hold on, as we have another best option available for you at Foundation Psychiatry which will save your relationship. We will provide you with the best couple therapy in Atlanta. Right psychiatrist counseling from a well-experienced Psychiatrist can help you to save your relationship. Dr. Tume a well-experienced psychiatrist in Atlanta can help you to change your life and will spies up your relationship.
Watch out for the symptoms:
Many times couples who need couple therapy aren’t able to understand the right time to approach the psychiatrist, they generally don’t know the symptoms and that delays their therapy. Anxiety, Depression, Anger, irritation are the initial symptoms that show the need for therapy. As soon as symptoms develop approach the psychiatrist immediately.
Relationship or marriage is not an agreement:
Stop seeing your relationship as an agreement rather see it as an engagement of two different souls who will never give up on each other because of their difference. The moment couples start seeing their relationship as an agreement the feeling of commitment disappears and the relationship breaks. Secondly, always try to maintain gender equality in your relationship, don’t be gender-biased related to work, avoid any type of stereotypes related to man or woman for assigning work to each other and divide your work in a 50:50 ratio. Last but not least keep at least 20 minutes of question session per day and clarify your doubts or any type of misunderstanding between your partners. This will help you to avoid any wrong notions related to your partner.
If you want to save your relationship and to engage again in love and bonding, then connect with Foundation Psychiatry and get the best couple therapy in Atalanta.