Left untreated, depression can
have a significant negative impact on a person’s social, physical, and mental
well-being, and place an enormous burden on society. Patients with improper depression treatment have greater
chances of premature death and are 4.5 times more likely to encounter a myocardial
infarction than the ones who don’t have depression.
People who are depressed miss
work at twice the rate of the normal people. Additional indescribable costs
associated with depression can be listed as impaired concentration, failure to improve
in educational, increased substance abuse, and impaired or lost relationships.
Relationship between depression symptoms and elements of work
Depression treatment in Atlanta in necessary, otherwise, it can
lead to the following work-related issues:
1. Getting to work
sleeping, low mood, lack of motivation, lack of interest in activities may all
make the initial task of getting up, getting dressed and then travelling to
work extremely difficult. Even more so when combined with anxiety (as is
commonly found), which may mean the individual has difficulty leaving the house
or getting on public transport.
Doing the
Symptoms can be
a barrier to performing work tasks. Concentrating on tasks can be difficult for
some people experiencing depression, with concentration and attention span
sometimes affected. This may mean people find it difficult to focus on one task
for a period of time or may have trouble even getting started. Where this is
joined by low motivation and low enthusiasm the challenge is even greater. In
addition, where anxiety is co-occurring, panic attacks in the workplace may be
a further concern.
3. Working with people
Most jobs
involve interaction, whether with colleagues or customers. In some cases, the symptoms
of depression make it difficult to tolerate being with people or tolerate
noise. There is a greater tendency to become irritable and often a lower
tolerance to stress.
Why let your
work suffer if you can get proper treatment for depression. Visit Foundation Psychiatry
today for effective depression treatment
in Atlanta.