Friday, November 12, 2021


The general mental health problems mentioned here include depression and tension issues, or anxiety, for example, a general uneasiness, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (also known as OCD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (also known as PTSD). Other general mental health problems incorporate fears about something particular (like bugs) or circumstances, (for example, being humiliated before others).
Decent will distribute some guidance independently for individuals with a social fear (likewise called social uneasiness issue). These mental health problems are called 'normal' as consolidated they influence more individuals than other mental health problems (up to 15% of individuals at any one time). Certain individuals might have more than one mental health problem (like depression and nervousness).

Now below are the cases which when discovered shouldn’t be taken casually and immediately should be seeking the help of an experienced psychiatrist in Atlanta for immediate treatment.

·       Generalized anxiety disorder: The principal symptoms are having various concerns that are unnecessary and messed up to a specific circumstance, and experiencing trouble in controlling someone's worries. An individual with a generalized anxiety disorder may also feel irritable and have physical side effects like anxiety, feeling effortlessly tired, and having tense muscles. They may also experience difficulty focusing or sleeping.

·       Depression: The fundamental symptoms are feeling 'low' and losing interest in things that were once pleasant. These symptoms might be combined with others, for example, feeling sad, peevish, or tired most of the time, changes in hunger, and sleeping problems, concentration, and memory. Individuals with depression regularly have lots of negative imaginations and feelings of responsibility and uselessness; they frequently condemn themselves and lack confidence. Fortunately, there is the availability of depression treatment in Atlanta.

·       Panic disorder: The fundamental side effects are having unexpected and recurring panic attacks, and also dealing with insecurity of facing an upcoming another fit of anxiety. One of the symptoms of anxiety is an increased pulse rate. A panic attack might happen due to a specific circumstance (something that the individual feels fearful or needs to avoid), or it might have no obvious reason. Individuals who have panic attacks frequently change their behavior as a result of the attack which might form into fears like agoraphobia (a fear of being in situations or circumstances that are hard to escape from).

·       Post-traumatic stress disorder: Mental and physical symptoms that can at times follow specific threatening or distressing occasions. One of the most widely recognized side effects of PTSD is having rehashed and nosy distressing memories of the occasion. There may also be a sensation of remembering the occasion through flashbacks or bad dreams. There can also be physical responses, like shaking and perspiring.

The terms gentle, moderate, and serious are utilized above to portray various degrees of mental health problems as suggested by the psychiatrist Atlanta.

A mild mental health issue is when an individual has few symptoms that limitedly affect their regular lifestyle. A moderate mental health issue when someone makes their daily existence substantially more troublesome than expected. A serious mental health problem is when an individual has numerous indications that can make their day-to-day routine amazingly difficult. An individual might experience various levels on various occasions.


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Give yourself and your loved ones a chance with Psychiatrist Atlanta

 Difficulties can be disguised as a chance for development. Life challenges us with troubles including discouragement, tension, ailment, growing up, and getting more established. As a human, we frequently attempt to hide our battles with grins or pull out from people around us. Utilizing care, empathy, and clinical mastery, our staff at Foundation Psychiatry is extraordinarily prepared to assist you with expecting to confront the difficulties that lie before you.  Understanding each issue with your psychological conditions as Psychiatrist Atlanta.


While we live a life where everyone is busy, pitiful and disturbing occasions happen to everybody. Be that as it may, in case you're feeling down or sad consistently, you could be managing sorrow. Sorrow is viewed as a genuine ailment that can deteriorate without legitimate treatment. The people who look for treatment regularly see upgrades in manifestations in only half a month.


Depression Symptoms may be as follows:


Wretchedness can be more than a consistent mindset of misery or feeling "blue." Significant sadness can cause an assortment of side effects. Some influence your state of mind, and others influence your body. Side effects may likewise be progressing, or go back and forth.


Men might encounter manifestations identified with their temperament, like displeasure, forcefulness, touchiness, tension, anxiety, enthusiastic prosperity, like inclination unfilled, miserable, sad conduct, like loss of interest, done discovering delight in most loved exercises, feeling tired effectively, considerations of self-destruction, and so on


Ladies might encounter side effects such as temperament, like peevishness passionate prosperity, for example, feeling dismal or unfilled, restless or sad conduct, like loss of interest in exercises, pulling out from social commitment, considerations of self-destruction intellectual capacities, for example, thinking or talking all the more leisurely rest designs, for example, trouble staying asleep for the entire evening, waking early, dozing excessively, and so on. Such situations may call for a consultation session for depression treatment in Atlanta with our professional Psychiatrist.




Our staff individuals at Foundation Psychiatry can survey your interests from both the clinical and mental angles. We as Psychiatrist Atlanta will utilize our clinical mastery to assess natural variables, mental cycles, family communications, and conduct issues to decide the foundation of your issues.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


The Important Things Psychiatrists Need You to Know about Depression

Feeling Sad Does not Certainly Indicate that You Have Depression

We may not enjoy feeling low, but it will be very surprising not to have felt it at all. So sometimes we are all sad as well as feeling low in a mood, but it is a very common experience that we all have to cope with. Since we all understand what it is to feel sad, we can have some knowledge of why suffering from clinical depression is so terrible; just think of feeling like that all the time, and an experience of clinical depression may continue for months.

To be described as clinically depressed and for it to be recognized as a mental health disease, those well-recognized emotions actually have to stay above a prolonged period of time like over a couple of weeks at least, and really meddle with your life. Also with this definitive definition, it is the 2nd most prevalent mental health problem that people who are having this problem should have depression treatment in Atlanta, after anxiety.

There Does not Have to be an Apparent Reason for Your Depression

Although an occurrence of depression may be linked to difficult life experiences such as the loss of a job. What not so commonly recognized is that clinical depression can also be triggered by events that are not significantly correlated with recognizably saddening situations.

Depression is not Always Exposed by Feelings of Sadness

Like most mental health conditions, some people would have very difficulty realizing that they actually have a problem, even to themselves. Depression can be exposed in various ways as some people may become irritable, or drink extremely. But, there are a number of things that happen together at the same time and these are generally related to depressed mood, for instance:

·         Always feeling tired

·         Considering that life is not worth living

·         Losing interest in doing anything

·         Losing your taste

·         Having sleeping difficulties

·         Not able to enjoy things that you were used to

Our professional team of psychiatrist in Atlanta provides expert psychiatric services, depression treatment in Atlanta. Living with constant anxiety can be remarkably hard. There’s no reason to suffer any longer as the team at Foundation Psychiatry with the help of Dr. Tumeh, will be helping you make your way to the life of your dreams. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Let us create the best love bond between you and your partner.

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the lives of many couples around the world. In a recent survey by Family values NGO in Atlanta, it has been found that the need for psychiatrist or couple therapy in Atlanta has increased by 27 percent this year which is significantly more than the previous years. During the lockdown, the free mental health centers have received 20 times more calls from couples who needed mental therapies. Couples are breaking their relationships as they are thinking of the best solution for their problems. If you are a couple and thinking the same then hold on, as we have another best option available for you at Foundation Psychiatry which will save your relationship. We will provide you with the best couple therapy in Atlanta. Right psychiatrist counseling from a well-experienced Psychiatrist can help you to save your relationship. Dr. Tume a well-experienced psychiatrist in Atlanta can help you to change your life and will spies up your relationship.


Watch out for the symptoms:

Many times couples who need couple therapy aren’t able to understand the right time to approach the psychiatrist, they generally don’t know the symptoms and that delays their therapy. Anxiety, Depression, Anger, irritation are the initial symptoms that show the need for therapy. As soon as symptoms develop approach the psychiatrist immediately.


Relationship or marriage is not an agreement:

Stop seeing your relationship as an agreement rather see it as an engagement of two different souls who will never give up on each other because of their difference. The moment couples start seeing their relationship as an agreement the feeling of commitment disappears and the relationship breaks. Secondly, always try to maintain gender equality in your relationship, don’t be gender-biased related to work, avoid any type of stereotypes related to man or woman for assigning work to each other and divide your work in a 50:50 ratio. Last but not least keep at least 20 minutes of question session per day and clarify your doubts or any type of misunderstanding between your partners. This will help you to avoid any wrong notions related to your partner.



If you want to save your relationship and to engage again in love and bonding, then connect with Foundation Psychiatry and get the best couple therapy in Atalanta.


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Reasons why Consulting a psychiatrist in Atlanta is important?

 No matter how modern we have become and how developed our country is, we still feel hesitant to go and meet a psychiatrist in AtlantaThe point is, your mental health is as important as your physical health. Whenever you feel pain in any part of your body, you make sure to visit a doctor and get rid of the pain, then when your mind is in pain, why not seeing a mental health specialist as well? 

Mental health issues can differ from people to people and thus the psychiatrist will prescribe different therapies or medicines based on your diagnoses. Some cases can be extremely severe, like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, Alzheimer, and more. But thinking that depression and anxiety are not serious is not right as well. Many extreme depressive patients can avail a lot of benefits from trained and experienced psychiatrist. Medicines have changed and they are manufactured to treat different diseases. 

To take care of your overall health, it is extremely important to have a healthy mind. It is only when your mental condition is sound and in sync, your overall physical health will be in shape in too. So, investing your time and money on a renowned psychiatrist makes sense because they are trained to help you feel good and better about yourself. 

It is high time that you start considering mental health seriously. Your brain needs fuel as much as any other parts of your body do. If you or anyone you know is suffering from any kinds of mental health issues, then makes sure that you speak to a reliable psychiatrist in AtlantaWithout visiting one, you will never really know how beneficial they can be for you. 

Just make sure that no matter who you meet, they are trained, have proper license, and are qualified to treat different mental health issues.